SGDF members plant trees in Esenyurt for the 33 victims of the Suruç massacre

The Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF) planted trees in Esenyurt Kıraç for the 33 ‘dream travellers’ who lost their lives in the Suruç Massacre. Children also participated in the event in the tree planting area called “Dream Travellers Forest”.

Pictures of those who lost their lives in Suruç were hung on the trees planted.

Making a statement after the tree planting event, SGDF member Berfin Polat said: “The 33 young people set out to rebuild a destroyed city, to bring toys to children, to build a hospital, and to build a memory forest. Now there are forests, kindergartens and streets in their name in Kobanê. We will continue to keep their names alive in Istanbul. Wherever we are, we will keep the names of the 33 young people alive in our ideals and in our struggle.”