KCDK-E: Let’s strengthen unity and solidarity

The co-board of the Kurdish umbrella organization KCDK-E published a statement on the occasion of the Feast of Sacrifice. The European umbrella organization calls for Kurdish unity in the resistance against Turkish fascism.

The Feast of Sacrifice takes place from 19 to 22 July this year. It is one of the most important Islamic holidays and is strongly associated with the values ​​of sharing and solidarity.

The co-board of the Kurdish umbrella organization in Europe, KCDK-E, issued a statement in which it said: “On the occasion of the Feast of Sacrifice, we wish the Islamic religious community, the oppressed peoples, the Kurdish people and all those who fight for freedom all the best. We hope that this holiday will serve a life of peace, tranquillity and without war. Let us embrace our people who are in need during this Feast of Sacrifice and strengthen Kurdish unity and the spirit of solidarity.”

The KCDK-E added: “The AKP-MHP fascism does not allow our people to celebrate its holidays and prevents peace and brotherhood with its attacks. The regime of the hypocrite and deceiver Erdoğan continues its murderous policy on this blessed holiday. The invasion attacks on Shengal, South Kurdistan and Rojava, and indeed all of Kurdistan, continue.

More than ever, we must stand up for Kurdish unity against the murderous Turkish state. Dictator Erdoğan knows no religion, no morals and no law. He and his fascist AKP-MHP government will lose to the resistance of our people and other democratic circles.”

The KCDK-E continued: “On the occasion of the feast, our people should strengthen their material and spiritual solidarity with one another through visits and should stand up for our people in need in our homeland, especially in Maxmur and Shehba, and strengthen Kurdish unity and the spirit of common solidarity. We wish our people and oppressed humanity freedom, brotherhood, democracy and justice. We hope that this feast day will lead to solidarity and mutual sharing being strengthened.”