HBDH calls for common struggle against occupation

In its statement on the anniversary of the July 19 Rojava Revolution, the People’s United Revolutionary Movement (HBDH) Executive Committee has called on peoples to “unite” against the occupation of the Turkish state.

The HBDH emphasized that “to protect and keep Rojava alive means to illuminate the path of victory for our united revolution in Turkey and Kurdistan, and to organize the final blow to the fascist Turkish bourgeois state.”

The HBDH’s statement is as follows:

“We congratulate the peoples of Kurdistan, the Middle East and all the world for the popular, egalitarian, women’s libertarian social life built in Rojava. With great love, devotion and gratitude, we commemorate our immortals who sparked the fire of revolution, fought shoulder to shoulder against the fascist ISIS, al-Nusra and the invading Turkish state and took part in the Rojava struggle for honour and freedom, and shed their blood together against fascism.

The popular, gender egalitarian and libertarian social life, which started 9 years ago in the lands of Rojava Kurdistan under the leadership of the Kurdish people, spread to North and East Syria and recognized by the Syriac, Assyrian, Arab and Turkmen peoples. While the revolution in Kobanê inspired the peoples of the world in a short time, the region scared reactionary, fascist and capitalist states. The egalitarian, libertarian, new life model in Rojava showed that another world is possible. The new social life model introduced under the leadership of women showed that a gender libertarian social life is possible by destroying the male-dominated, patriarchal and sexist mentality on which the Baath regime is based. The revolution smashed capitalist and patriarchal systems.

The democratic, libertarian life model continues to exist in communes and assemblies as a form of self-government by the people.

Our lands are under occupation by the fascist and reactionary forces protected by the invading fascist Turkish bourgeois state in order to destroy the hope of the peoples of the world. While demonstrating its hostility towards the peoples through assimilationist policies in occupied Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî, Turkey carries out massacres with fascist methods. It reveals its misogyny by sexist attacks against women and rape. Rojava is surrounded by the reactionary and fascist regional states. Despite the political, economic and military blockade, embargo and invasion attacks, the social life established in Rojava continues to be protected and enlarged.

The capitalist and imperialist bourgeoisie are united against the popular, liberal, egalitarian life built in Rojava. Eliminating this reactionary, counter-revolutionary alliance will only be possible by expanding the common struggle on the basis of the needs of the united revolution. The oppressed peoples of the world, especially the peoples of Kurdistan and the Middle East, need to put the phrase “solidarity is the priority of the peoples” into practice. This is what our immortals expect from us.

Rojava is the signal flare of our united revolution in Turkey and Kurdistan. It is a very significant blow to the fascist Turkish bourgeois state’s policies of the denial and annihilation of the Kurdish nation and occupation. To protect and keep Rojava alive means to illuminate the path of victory for our united revolution in Turkey and Kurdistan, and to organize the final blow to the fascist Turkish bourgeois state. We will be ready in the face of any attack against this revolutionary position in Kurdistan in Rojava, which is the symbol of the struggle against fascism and the flag of freedom and dignity. We will respond to the attacks with the resistance of our peoples, our militia and guerrilla forces. Uniting against the occupation and destroying fascism is one of our main duties.

We call on our peoples, women and youth in Turkey and Kurdistan to do so.

We enthusiastically greet our revolution in Rojava, which was announced on July 19, 2012, and we reiterate our promise to support Rojava and to bring those who are responsible for killing our martyrs to account.

We will destroy fascism and achieve freedom in Turkey and Kurdistan!”