Activists in Switzerland pay tribute to 14 July Great Death Fast martyrs

The 14 July Great Death Fast resistance was commemorated together with Ugur Teymur (Reman Xebat), Osman Abdulvahab Rifayî (Çiya Zagros) and Botan Güzel (Çekdar Amed), who fell as martyrs in the Turkish state’s attack on Medya Defense Areas on 16 June 2021.

A minute’s silence was held in memory of the martyrs of the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle in the person of HPG guerrillas Reman Xebat, Çiya Zagros and Çekdar Amed, as well as in memory of the 14 July martyrs. The memorial was held at the Kurdish Centre in Bern.

A speech was made by the representative of the Martyrs’ Family Association (KOMAW) on the importance of paying tribute to the memory of the martyrs and protecting their struggle.

Raman Xebat’s family members took the floor and pledged allegiance to his memory. Raman Xebat’s life of struggle was described in a documentary prepared on the 14 July Great Death Fast resistance.

Writer Irfan Babaoğlu gave a presentation about the Amed dungeon resistance and testimony of the period.

Events organized by KOMAW in the cities of St Gallen, Lucerne and Geneva also commemorated the 14 July Amed prison resistance.
