People in Northern and Eastern Syria celebrate 9th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution

Celebrations for the 9th anniversary of the 19 July Rojava Revolution have been held in Afrin, Tirbespiyê, Çilaxa and Dirbesiyê.


Hundreds of people gathered in the Azadi area in Tirbespiyê, carrying YPG, YPJ and SDF flags. Speaking after a minute’s silence, Tirbespiyê PYD Assembly Member Hediya Şemo said that the 19 July Revolution is very important for all peoples and that a democratic society is being built.

She added that the 19 July Revolution is a women’s revolution and that women now express themselves in all fields.

YPG Commander Baran Omeri said that they are ready to protect the revolution and the people under all circumstances.

The celebration saw performances by Koma Martyr Xebat, Evdurehman Bavê Emin, Koma Martyr Zilan, Daniş Botan and Nuri Eli.


A celebration was also held in Çilaxa, organised by Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians. A banner read ‘We will defeat the occupation and protect the gains with the spirit of the 19 July Revolution’.

Speaking on behalf of the Autonomous Administration after a minute’s silence, Murad Şemo said that the 19 July Revolution was realized thanks to “the efforts of our heroic martyrs” and called for everyone to protect the Autonomous Administration.

Speaking on behalf of the PYD, Sirur Şete saluted the 14 July prison resistance and added that the 19 July Revolution was carried out by all peoples.

The celebration ended with a concert by Koma Agiri.


The people of Afrin, who came together in the Serdem camp in the village of Til Sosin in Ehdas, held a celebration carrying photos of Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan, YPG, YPJ and Kongra Star flags, and a banner reading ‘We will defeat the occupation and protect the gains with the spirit of 19 July’.

After a minute’s silence, Afrin Region Council co-chair Shiraz Hemo made a speech at the celebration. Shiraz Hemo hailed the anniversary of the revolution and said: “Our people, who settled in Shehba after the invasion of Afrin, dealt heavy blows to the invading Turkish state. The dirty policy of the Turkish state is in vain. Our people will protect the legacy of their martyrs.”

Elif Şêx Mihemed, member of the Euphrates Region Kongra Star Coordination, noted that the 19 July Revolution said that the revolution led by women and youth is the torch of freedom for humanity.


In the celebration held in Dirbesiyê, activists carried photos of Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan and YPG and YPJ flags. After a minute’s silence, Zeyneb Murad, speaking on behalf of the Autonomous Administration, greeted the 19 July Revolution and the 14 July resistance in Amed prison. Pointing out that the revolution was very successful, Zeyneb Murad said that everyone should unite around the Autonomous Administration.