Flooding in Serhat region kills animals, wrecks houses and barns

The flood in the Serhat region of North Kurdistan has killed numerous animals and devastated houses and barns of residents.


Heavy rains in Van province affected the districts of Özalp, Saray and Başkale. 50 small cattle were killed by flooding in Özalp’s Eğribelen (Hesentemiran), Mehmetalan (Memedalan) and Tepedam (Asteco) villages. 50 small cattle died by flooding. Fields of the villagers have also been damaged.

In Başkale, several barns and houses in the Albayrak region were damaged by the flood. While there was no loss of life, the flood caused serious damage in the cultivated areas. Drivers had a hard time on the Van-Hakkari highway due to the flood. Following a landslide in the Albayrak region of the Van-Başkale highway, 2 people were trapped in a pickup truck and were later rescued. 400 sheep perished in the flood in the Albayrak village.

Shepherd Ali Özlü was struck by lightning and injured in Saray district.



In Sarıkamış district of Kars province, some houses and workplaces were flooded because of heavy rain and hail. The floods caused serious material damage in the neighborhoods of İnönü, Erenler and Cumhuriyet. Since storm drains were clogged, the basements of houses and workplaces were flooded. Many houses have been evacuated.

Floods also hit Kağızman district, causing material damage in Çallı and Karabağ villages. A barn collapsed and 5 small cattle died in the village of Çallı.


Due to the flooding in Diyadin district of Ağrı, transportation on the Iranian highway has become difficult. The rainfall in the village of Karapazar (Qerebazar) turned into a flood. While agricultural lands were damaged, the highway was closed to transportation because of the rocks and excavation brought by the flood.