HDP opens women’s council in Amed

“We organize for our freedom” – with this slogan the HDP founded a women’s council in Amed. In addition to numerous activists from the women’s movement TJA (Tevgera Jinen Azad), the HDP women’s council spokeswoman Ayşe Acar Başaran and MPs Remziye Tosun and Semra Güzel took part in the founding event.

The event paid tribute to HDP employee Deniz Poyraz, who was murdered by a Turkish fascist in an armed attack on the party’s headquarters in Izmir in June. 

Ayşe Acar Başaran delivered a speech in which she referred to the brutal attacks on the HDP and women in particular: “Women and our party are targeted by deep and dirty forces. They tell us women that we shouldn’t fight for our freedom and that we shouldn’t set up a system of our own. It was in this context that the Istanbul Convention was withdrawn. The co-chairmanship system is also a special target. We know that the male system of rule does not offer us a free life. With our organized struggle we will tear down all walls.”

Stating that the government continued to show hostility to women and children after the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, Ayşe Acar Başaran said: “An arrangement has been made to search for concrete evidence in the crime of sexual abuse. We know very well that what they call concrete evidence of rape will not be a statement of the woman. Women know very well what the AKP and MHP alliance is trying to do.”

Ayşe Acar Başaran emphasized that the only solution in the current situation was an alliance of women: “And this is precisely why we are declaring the founding of the Amed Women’s Council today. From here we convey the message to the men who want to lock women up at home that we are organizing more and more and will never give up.”