Belgian parliament recognises Yazidi genocide

The Belgian parliament unanimously recognized the Islamic State massacre of the Yazidi in 2014 as a genocide. The move also included providing assistance to the Yazidis.
All 139 members of parliament who attended the meeting voted for the recognition.

The Netherlands recognised the Yazidi genocide last week. This followed the approval of a resolution by Belgium on 30 June.
In the draft resolution, the crime of genocide committed by ISIS against Yazidis in Iraq and Syria since 2014 was accepted and convicted.

The following requests were made to the federal government:

1. To use all the means of national and international law so that the crime of genocide committed against Yazidis in Iraq and Syria by the Islamic State does not go unpunished;

2. Encourage and support the efforts of the Belgian justice to identify and prosecute potential Belgian perpetrators of crimes against the Yazidi community;

3. Contributing to the return of the Yazidi to their towns and villages, especially by demanding the implementation of the agreement between the Iraqi Kurdistan government and the central government of Baghdad and proposing international supervision of this agreement;

4. Contributing to the rebuilding of destroyed towns and villages;

5. Providing specific humanitarian assistance to groups who have been subjected to sexual violence, slavery or other inhuman or degrading treatment.