HPG commemorates four guerrillas martyred in Zap

Guerrilla fighters Sîpan Mûş, Savûşka Devrim and Munzur Çiyager died in July 2017 during the bombardment of the Zap region by the Turkish army. The Press Center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) has published their names and commemorates the martyrs with respect and gratitude.

Nom de Guerre: Sîpan Mûş
First-Last Name: Selahattin Efe
Birthplace: Muş
Mother’s-Father’s Names: Vesile – Nizamettin
Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 2017 / Zap


Nom de Guerre: Savûşka Devrim
First-Last Name: Yasemin Yanar
Birthplace: Amed
Mother’s-Father’s Names: Cevahir – Şükrü
Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 2017 / Zap


Nom de Guerre: Munzur Çiyager
First-Last Name: Abdurrahman Balıcak
Birthplace: Şirnak
Mother’s-Father’s Names: Keser – Ömer
Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 2017 / Zap

According to HPG information, the three martyrs were members of the guerrilla special unit “Hêzên Taybet”. Sîpan Mûş was born in Muş in the region of Serhat in North Kurdistan and grew up in a patriotic environment. For economic reasons in the wake of repressive state policies, he had to move to a Turkish city, but continued to live with his Kurdish identity, wrote the HPG. He took to the mountains as a young man and developed into a capable guerrilla fighter. Within a short time, he gained great experience and fought as a responsible commander in several regions in North Kurdistan.



Savûşka Devrim was born in Amed. Her family was close to the Kurdish liberation movement and she witnessed the attacks of the Turkish state on the Kurdish people as a child. As a young girl, she became involved in the youth movement and joined the guerrilla ranks during a time of heavy attacks. There, according to HPG, she stood out for her mature attitude and prepared herself for combat through her ideological and military training. She paid particular attention to the women’s liberation ideology espoused by Abdullah Öcalan.



Munzur Çiyager was born in Şırnak in the region of Botan in North Kurdistan and experienced the war in Kurdistan firsthand as a child. He joined the guerrillas at the time of the ISIS attacks on Shengal and Kobanê and became a leading militant.



The HPG expressed their condolences to the families and the people of Kurdistan and declared that the dream of the martyrs of a free life with Abdullah Öcalan in a free Kurdistan will come true.