Activists in Frankfurt to celebrate the Rojava Revolution on Sunday

19 July marks the ninth anniversary of the Rojava revolution. On this occasion, the RiseUp4Rojava campaign, the Internationalist Commune and Young Internationalist Women call to join the days of action in solidarity with the anti-fascist resistance of the guerrillas in the mountains and the population in Northern and Eastern Syria, under the slogan “We continue to Unite in Resistance”.

On this occasion, a demonstration will take place in Frankfurt / Main on Sunday. The appeal reads as follows:

“For nine years there has been a revolution in Rojava based on gender liberation, grassroots democracy and an ecological society. This revolution, which will be celebrated on 19 July, has to be celebrated and defended, because the liberation of society is to be achieved with the liberation of women and implemented under their leading role. The struggle for a common, peaceful coexistence and against the permanent attacks is not only a struggle of the Kurdish population, but of all peoples living in Kurdistan. Society opposes the decade-long destruction of nature and resources through war, monocultures and water control and instead build an ecological economy.

The population freed itself from the Islamic State and its inhumane practice and ideology in large parts of the Middle East. Fascism is consolidating in Turkey, which means journalists, the opposition are imprisoned and murdered and Rojava is attacked in order to establish a new Ottoman empire. The population is resisting these fascist attempts at extermination.

The German government authorities criminalize and suppress Kurdish and internationalist forces in order to silence them.

While Turkish artillery shells are targeting Rojava, Turkey has been attacking South Kurdistan since 23 April. The German government prevented a peace delegation from leaving Germany to reach South Kurdistan.

While the YJA Star is leading the resistance in South Kurdistan with an offensive. This demonstration is also being led by a FLINTA (FrauenLesbenInterNichtbinärTransAgender) front block. We call on everyone to join us in the Gallus hall on 18 July at 1 p.m. for the defense, celebration and building of the revolution together. Let’s speak out against Turkish fascism, German complicity and the attacks that are currently taking place! Let’s speak up for the revolution, for freedom and peace!