“Victory of the guerrillas will be a second revolution of humanity”

Since April 23, the Turkish army has been trying with all its might to occupy the Zap, Avaşîn and Metîna regions in the Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

Guerrillas of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) and Free Women’s Troops (YJA Star) are putting up fierce resistance and repeatedly inflicting heavy blows on the Turkish army. On Stêrk TV, Melsa Muş, one of the commanders of YJA Star, spoke about the developments of the last two months.

“The spirit of the guerrilla of democratic modernity is the spirit of victory”

The female commander told the following in her TV report: “The Zagros Mountains, where we are waging our guerrilla struggle, have carried a revolutionary spirit throughout the ages. The revolutionary nature of the region reveals itself from the Neolithic Age until today and manifests itself in the struggle of the Kurdish people and the resistance of the guerrillas. Through this struggle, revolutionary values are created anew. In this sense, this war is a struggle for victory. This war has an epochal significance, but also builds a bridge from the present to history.

Just as a revolutionary struggle for freedom was waged in this region thousands of years ago, today this struggle is being practiced at the highest level by the children of this region. The spirit of freedom that has always lived on in this region is now being revived anew against the invaders and hegemonic powers. In this region, this spirit has never been lost and will always persist. In this sense, the current phase, as well as the fighting spirit unleashed against the Turkish invasion, has great significance. In particular, the spirit of the democratic modernity guerrillas and the level of their performance on the battlefield are exemplary. With technical and tactical creativity, very heavy blows were dealt to the enemy in the spirit of Apoism.

“We have clearly seen the character of Turkish warfare”

The Turkish state is trying to portray it through its media as if these operations were successful and the army was beating the guerrillas every day with the help of its technology. This is to create a corresponding mood in society. But once again, with this operation, we have seen very clearly how the fighting morale of the Turkish army is and what the character of Turkish warfare is. The very different details of this war have not yet been reported in the press. The image that the Turkish army presents in this operation is indeed an embarrassment. This was evident both in the fighting for the war tunnels and in the ground clashes. Therefore, no matter how the Turkish army approaches it, it cannot present itself as successful in this war. The guerrilla attacks on the Turkish army will remain unforgotten in Turkish military history. The Piramit Hill action and the spirit of this action will never be forgotten by the Turkish military. The offensive actions carried out under the leadership of Commander Ronahî Xelîl at Small Cilo and the psychological consequences of these actions will also never be forgotten by the military as it had to take very heavy blows in these areas. Also in the tunnel war, our friends are in attack position every day and are fighting a very hard war.

“We know the truth of this war as well as the Turkish commanders”

Our headquarters has officially announced our war balances. The Turkish military has never reported the balance or results of this war in the press. It still cannot publish balances because the corpses of dozens of Turkish soldiers are still lying on the slopes of Mount Mamreşo, Small Cilo and on Ertuş and Zendûra. These areas are under the control of the guerrillas. The army cannot even recover their dead. We have seized their weapons and their vital supplies. This is an embarrassment for the Turkish army.

“The war is being waged with mercenaries from Syria, Libya and Iraq”

At the same time, the Turkish army has not actually fought against us itself in this war. It is trying to fight the war against us with the help of mercenaries it has recruited from Libya, Syria and Iraq. From the way they move, to their posture and equipment, it is clear that those fighting the guerrillas are not soldiers of the Turkish army. In this sense, what is reported in the press about this war has nothing to do with what is happening on the battlefield. We know the reality of this war. But this reality is not reflected in any way in the media. In this way, the army creates the impression that it has occupied the entire region and has established positions everywhere and is making progress in these mountains every day. Not only in this operation, for example in the Zap region, the army has suffered defeats many times. The commanders of the Turkish army should never forget that. Just as they came and fled then without looking back, it is happening today. But the war today is not only against the guerrillas. It is a war of invasion that covers the entire territory of Kurdistan. That is what distinguishes this operation from the others. This operation is an invasion of Kurdistan. This war may come to a head in the territory of southern Kurdistan, but it is being waged in every part of Kurdistan.

“New in the history of war”

The methods used by the Turkish army in the Mamreşo area in Avaşîn have never happened in the history of war. It has never happened in any war that, for example, five or six guerrilla fighters get stuck in a war tunnel and the army uses all the means it has. It used hundreds of kilos of explosives against these tunnels for days. They tried to fill the tunnels with poison gas and collapse them with bombs over our friends. They wanted to pour gasoline into the tunnels and set them on fire, they used poison gas dozens of times. The Turkish army tries to control the guerrilla activities by placing surveillance cameras and photo traps everywhere in the compound. As if their own mercenary army is not enough, it rushes dogs into the tunnels. Some images have already been shown in their own media. For example, how the bodies of our friends were maltreated. We are dealing with a mercenary army in this operation. It is a war without morality and law. But come what may, even if the Turkish state brings in not only its army but dozens of mercenary armies from Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, it will never win against the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla.

“The resistance of the guerrillas in the Zagros will lead to the second revolution”

An operation has been launched in the Zap region, covering specific areas. The guerrillas are putting up considerable resistance there. A hard war was fought in the Small Cilo and Ertuş areas. For example, in the operations in 2017 and earlier, the Turkish army had occupied some places and established bases. It came from these areas and launched an invasion operation in the Small Cilo area. But it faced resistance from the guerrillas from the first day. The friends prevented the enemy from advancing by effectively attacking them again and again. The enemy could not make it to Small Cilo for 40 days. Every time it tried to advance, it was hit. When it tried to enter the war tunnels at Small Cilo, it was unable to get his units into the terrain. So it dropped bombs with ropes from Sikorsky helicopters into the tunnels. The same thing happened in the Werxelê and Mamreşo areas of Avaşîn. There was not a single day when the Turkish soldiers had the courage to come in front of our tunnels. They exploded bombs on the tunnels for days in order to eliminate the guerrillas. Nevertheless, our friends came out of the tunnels and attacked the enemy with great sacrifice.

Ronahî Xelîl was one of those whose self-sacrificial attitude was evident in this war. She and Zagros Avaşin came out of the war tunnels with hand grenades, attacked the enemy and killed seven soldiers within a few minutes. Their bodies were under the control of the guerrillas for days. Delal Dilxweş and Viyan Botan also died while fighting against the Turkish Army’s Cobra and Sikorsky helicopters. As the friend Çiyager in the Sur resistance said, ‘Whatever the end may be, it will be magnificent.’ Whatever the end may be, with the guerrilla resistance and the victory in Zagros, a second revolution of humanity will take place.”