Workshop on Kurdish unity establishes dialogue group to travel to East and South Kurdistan

As part of the workshop for the unity of Kurds held in Qamishlo at the invitation of the Rojava branch of the KNK (National Congress Kurdistan), a dialogue group has been set up with the mandate of finding a consensus between the various political forces in Eastern and Southern Kurdistan. According to Ekrem Hiso from the Executive Council of the KNK, the dialogue group will first seek talks with the KDP in Hewlêr (Erbil).

The workshop about Kurdish unity against occupation and civil war took place last week with the participation of around 150 representatives of political parties, civil society and representatives of the tribal confederations in northeast Syria. The aim of the initiative was to reach a minimum consensus in order to avert harm to the Kurdish people. In the first part of the workshop, the historical conditions that led to the four-part division of Kurdistan were discussed. The second part covered the current situation against the background of the current Turkish invasion of South Kurdistan.

Participants at the workshop agreed to promote a dialogue between the PKK and KDP and to call for all Kurdish forces to implement the 1982 agreement. In the ten-point agreement reached between the PKK and the KDP, friendly relations, mutual aid and national unity were to be promoted. An appeal was also made to the KDP to stop sending the Peshmerga to areas where clashes between the guerrillas and occupation troops are occurring as a result of the Turkish invasion.