NGOs in Tabqa protest the UN decision to keep border crossing closed


On July 9, the UN Security Council decided to extend Resolution 2585 for a further six months. According to this decision, humanitarian aid for Syria will only arrive through the Bab al-Hawa border crossing, which is controlled by the Turkish state and its mercenaries. 

According to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, the decision came about under joint pressure from Russia and Turkey on the UN Security Council and means punishment for the five million people living in the autonomous region. “The UN Security Council has taken a political decision and is not fulfilling its responsibility,” it said in a statement on July 11.

Representatives of the NGOs in Tabqa made a press statement on Monday in protest at the UN decision. The press statement was read by Setam El Ferec, co-chair of Civil Society Organisations, who said the following:

“Syrian peoples have suffered great pains for ten years. Under the conditions of war, immigration and attacks of the gangs, the people in the region have faced an unlivable life. Moreover, obstacles against delivery of humanitarian aids have deepened the challenging conditions which people have to survive. The international community should take action in the face of the latest decision of the UN. Til Koçer Border Crossing is the only way for local peoples to meet their fundamental needs. We condemn this decision that disregards the law and humanistic values. Peoples of North and East Syria should voice their reaction to this decision in every field.”