Abdi: ISIS reorganizes in the Turkish occupied zone

The terrorist organization ISIS remains a massive threat to the people of Iraq and Syria, as well as beyond the region, said the general commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Mazlum Abdi, in an interview with the Kurdish channel Stêrk TV. Although there have been successes, such as the crushing of the jihadist militia’s territorial rule in its core areas, this is far from giving the all-clear, he said. ” ISIS is reorganizing,” Abdi warned.

The main field for reorganization, he said, is the Turkish occupied zone in the north and northwest of Syria. “Together with coalition forces, we have carried out some operation against ISIS in Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ain) and Girê Spî (Tal Abyad) and killed its members,” Abdi said, without giving further details. He described the occupied zone as the “new headquarters of ISIS” where the attacks against the self-governed areas and beyond were planned. Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî have been under Turkish occupation since October 2019 based on the so-called Sochi Agreement.

With regard to the Syrian crisis, which has now been going on for more than ten years, Abdi said that a political solution is still not in sight. According to him, this is mainly due to the military interests of the regional and international actors in Syria. In particular, he said, Turkey’s massive intervention is preventing constructive conflict management. Another important reason is that regime leader Bashar al-Assad wants to return to the time before 2011 and that the Astana format can hardly influence a peace process without the participation of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. He remarked that Damascus must finally come to terms with the idea so that a new and free Syria can be built.

Another topic of the interview was the intra-Kurdish conflict that threatens to escalate in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). “A national war only benefits the Turkish state by clearing the way to crush Kurdish gains,” Abdi said and continued, “Problems must be solved through dialogue in order for the commitment to intra-Kurdish unity to succeed. Only as a united people will we be able to defend the gains we have fought for. Accusation because of the Turkish army’s attacks in South Kurdistan will not achieve anything. Turkey will not run out of excuses for occupation attempts and invasions and will always attack the Kurds where they have a force or status,” Abdi said.

The SDF’s position, on the other hand, is clear, he said. “We do not want and will never accept a war between Kurds. And no matter who starts such a war, we will take a stand against it.”