Kurdish NGOs in Europe call for support for the KCDK-E

The Kurdish organizations in Europe have condemned the arbitrary treatment of the German police that banned the congress of the European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress (KCDK-E) in Cologne last week.

“As Kurdish organizations, we strongly condemn Germany’s unlawful arbitrary treatment at the request of the fascist Turkish state,” Kurdish organizations said in a written statement.

“The 4th Congress of the KCDK-E, which was scheduled to take place in Cologne, Germany on Sunday, July 11, was arbitrarily prevented by the German police, ignoring democratic and legal norms. None of the reasons have any legal basis. All Kurdish associations were established in accordance with European laws, and they are engaged in activities to meet the needs of the Kurdish society living in European countries.”


The statement further includes the following:

“The KCDK-E is the largest umbrella organization of the Kurdish institutions in Europe. It carries out its activities as a non-governmental organization that promotes the language, culture and human rights of all immigrants living in diaspora, specifically the Kurds living in Europe. The German government has arbitrarily violated its own legal norms upon the Turkish state’s request. It has attacked the freedom of expression, the right of assembly and association through an unlawful and arbitrary practice which can be found in the Turkish state.

The same antidemocratic practice that had been applied to the peace delegation seeking to go to Kurdistan has been applied by the same political decision mechanism through the recent ban on the KCDK-E congress.

We know this very same attitude from the genocidal attacks against the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) in Turkey. It should also be known that this arbitrary treatment of the German government, which acts as an ally of the fascist Turkish state, is against German laws.

As Kurdish organizations, we call on all Kurds to embrace the KCDK-E. We call for a common stance against these anti-democratic and illegal practices. We call on all institutions, organizations and individuals that consider themselves as democrats and libertarians to raise the joint struggle against these attacks against the KCDK-E.”

The statement was signed by the following institutions:

YNK (Yektiya Niştimanî Kurdistan)
Tevgêra GORRAN
KCDK-E (Kongra Civaka Kurdistaniyan-Ewrupa)
TJK-E (Tevgêra Jinên Kurdistanê-Ewrupa)
Partiya ŞÛÎ Kurdistan  Basur
Kongra Star (Rêxistna Jin Rojava, Bakur-Rojhilatê Sûryê) Europe
Partiya Zahmetkêşan – Başûr
PADÊ (Partiya Azadî û Demokrasiya Êzîdiya)
Tevgêrê Azadî
PYD (Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat)
P.D.K.S  (Partiya demoqrat a kurdî ya sûrî )
Partiya Çep a Kurd li Sûrî.
Tevgera Nûjen ya Kurdistanî-Sûrya.
PÇDKS ( Partiya çep a Demoqrat a Kurd li Sûriyê.)
Partiya Demokrata Kurd li Sûriya( El Partî).
Partiya Çep a Demokrat li  Sûriya.
Partiya Rêkeftin a Kurd li Sûrya.
Partiya Çaksaziya Kurd li Sûriya.
Partiya Kesk a Kurdistanî li Sûriya.
Partiya Demokrata Kurdistanî li Sûrya.
Partiya Komanist a Kurdistanî li Sûriya.
PÎK (Partiya islamiya Kurdistan)
KKP ( Partiya Kominista Kurdistan)
Tevgera Kawa
PJAK(Partiya Jiyana Azada Kurdistan)
Yakyatî Şorşgêrî Kurdistan
KODAR  (Civaka Demokratîk û Azada Rojhelatĕ Kurdistan)
KJAR (Civaka Jinên Rojhelatî Kurdistan)
Platforma Horam
Plattform Zagros
Plattform Yarsan
Yarî Kurd
Partiya Dimokrati Pêşvero kurdi Li Surîya
Tevçand (Tevgera Çand û Hunera Kurd)
Kurdische Gemeinde Stuttgart e.V
FEDA ( Federesyona Elewîyên Kurdistan)
NAV – YEK (Federasyona Komelên Êzidiya)
Kurdische Zentrum Berlin
CIK ( Civaka Islamiya Kurdistan)
Enstituta Kurdî – Almanya
Enstituta Kurdî – Bruksel
MŞD ( Meclîsa Şingal a Derveyî Welat)
YMK ( Yekîtîya Mamostayên Kurdistan)
YES (Yekitiya Êzdiyên Sûri)
Kurdisch Gemeinde Brandenburg – Berlîn  
Dachverband der Êzidischen Frauenräte
DKF (Deutsch-kurdisches Forum) e.V  Dresden
Mezopotamya Halk Kongresi.
Mezopotamya Özgürlük Partisi.
Kurdistan Human Rights Association