Peace mothers arrested in Mardin

Peace Mothers Ayla Kaya (56) and Atiye Yılmaz (59), have been remanded in custody. The two women were arrested on Tuesday along with nine other people in Nusaybin. Six of those arrested were released after police interrogation. Hayat Akdaş, Bilmez Arı, Şerivan Demir and Ayla Kaya and Atiye Yılmaz were brought before the judge on Friday. They are accused for interviews that they gave in Nusaybin at the time of the Turkish authorities attack on the city.

In 2015/2016, districts and cities in North Kurdistan proclaimed the Democratic Autonomy, whereupon the Turkish state imposed curfews, expelled or massacred the civilian population and razed entire districts to the ground. The district town of Nusaybin was hit particularly hard by these attacks.

Ayla Kaya and Atiye Yılmaz are charged with ‘membership of a terrorist organization’. The other three women were released on bail.

In the province of Mardin, another 18 people were arrested on Tuesday as part of another political investigation. Twelve of them have been released, the others will be brought before the court today.