UN vote to keep Bab El-Hewa Border Gate open to allow international aid

The United Nations Security Council voted in a closed session that the Bab El-Hewa Border Gate (Cilvegöz) in the hands of the Hayat Tehrîr Al-Sham (Cebhet al-Nusra) mercenary group should remain open for one more year for the passage of international aid. The decision was unanimous.

The UN Security Council first approved the sending of humanitarian aid to Syria in 2014. The regions in Northern and Eastern Syria were receiving humanitarian aid through Til Koçer, on the border with Iraq.

However, in the most recent Security Council vote, Russia and China vetoed keeping this door open. That’s why humanitarian aid no longer comes through this door. People were expecting the Til Koçer border gate to be opened this year. But the UN Security Council did not take a decision in this direction.