83 women killed, 200 kidnapped by Turkey-linked mercenaries in Afrin in the past 18 months

After Afrin was occupied by the invading Turkish state, in March 2018, major crimes began to be committed against local people. Fearing the organization of the Kurdish people, the Turkish state is carrying out all kinds of brutal attacks. Kurdish women are a privileged target of the mercenaries linked to Turkey. They want to destroy the idea of ​​a democratic nation, and to prevent the realization of free co-existence.

Crimes against women continue to increase. According to the data released by the Afrin Human Rights Organization, at least 83 women have been murdered in the last year and a half alone and a total of 200 women were kidnapped.

Speaking to ANHA about this, Afrin Human Rights Organization member, Naile Mehmud, noted that they documented hundreds of thousands of crimes committed in Afrin.

Talking about the 83 murdered women, Naile Mehmud stated that 5 women ended their lives in order not to fall into the hands of the mercenaries. He added that 216 women were injured in attacks carried out by mercenaries. “We documented the rape of 70 women. 25 women have been kidnapped in the last 6 months alone. Among them are children. Eliye Ednan Cuma, who was among the abducted, is only 13 years old, and Rûya Mehmud Xatir is 6 years old. A woman named Emine Mistefa is 60 years old.”

Naile Mehmud underlined that among the murdered girls was a 2-year-old child. “Zeyneb Şêx Dawûd was 21, Zeyneb İbrahim was 14, Heyva Şerif Qasim was 21. No one can deny the reality of these crimes. Before the invasion of Afrin, the percentage of Kurdish population in Afrin was 90 percent. This  has now dropped to 23 percent. This is a great danger. The majority of the people living in Afrin right now are mercenaries’ families brought from different parts of Syria.”

Kongra Star Diplomacy Committee member, Suzan Mistefa, underlined that the Turkish state has been systematically attacking women and children for three years. “Crimes against women are committed every day. Many children are forced into marriage. Some women are smuggled into Turkey. The situation for women in prison is horrendous.”

Mistefa said: “According to some information we obtained over the phone, we can confirm that many women were abducted because they went out of their homes. A ransom was demanded from the families of the abducted women. Many patriotic families had to give ransom by selling their property and possessions. Many young women ended their lives rather than accepting the practices they were subjected to. Torture, killing and kidnapping are increasing day after day. Rapes are now carried out in the houses. We received news of 10 men raping a woman. We have proof of this. Many women we know were abducted to Turkey after they were released from prison.”

Suzan Mistefa said that they know nothing about the fate of 1,200 women since Afrin was occupied. “99 abducted women have been taken to prisons in Ezaz and Turkey.”

Mistefa continued: “Those who say that no crime is committed in Afrin, should see all the documents we have in our hands proving the contrary. Those who have a hand in the occupation of Afrin are partners in these crimes. The demographic structure is being changed in Afrin. Kurdish people are being attacked. The international community is watching in silence. We condemn this silence.”