SDF: 57 ISIS members arrested in June

The SDF Military Monitoring Office issued its monthly report for June regarding violations of humanitarian law, counter-terrorism, al-Hol camp, exclusion of minors from the military forces.

The Occupied Afrin:

According to the office, the daily violations continue in the Afrin region by Turkish-backed mercenaries through increasing bombings against the city and the confiscating of agricultural lands.

The Military Monitoring Office recorded the killing of two people and the targeting of al-Shifa hospital which resulted in killing 22 people and injured more than 30 others.

In addition to recording 63 kidnappings last month, raising the total number of kidnappings to more than 7,551 since the commencement of the Turkish occupation invasion and its mercenaries in January 2018.

In north-eastern Syria, Turkish border guards along with Jabhat al-Nusra and other factions continued in bombings, assassinations, and killing civilians. However, the Monitoring Office recorded 13 assaults and bombing resulted in killing and injuring 21 civilians.

The de-escalation line:

The Turkish occupation and its mercenaries continued to escalate shelling along “the de-escalation line” in the areas of Tal Abyad, Ain Issa, Tal Tamir, Zarkan, Derek countryside, Kobane, Amuda, and Manbij. The Monitoring Office has recorded more than 565 violations, including more than 20 infiltration attempts by the occupation and its mercenaries.

Turkey continued to cut off the water coming from the Aluk plant to al-Hasaka city and its countryside by operating a maximum of two out of eight pumps and operating 10 out of 34 wells.


Security operations against terrorist cells continue in north-eastern Syria. Our forces arrested 57 wanted terrorists responsible for assassinations, arms smuggling, information transfer, propaganda activities, planning operations targeting civilians, military, and security forces, and facilitating cells movements.

Terrorist cells continue their attacks. The Monitoring Office has recorded 11 attacks through bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, and killings, mostly in Deir ez-Zor, which resulted in killing and injuring 23 civilians and security and military forces.

Daesh cells also continued to operate inside the al-Hol camp conducting further killings operations against IDPs. 8 Syrian and Iraqi nationals were reportedly shot in the head and a Russian woman was injured. Besides that, there were continued attempts to escape from the camp, and 42 women, men, and 43 children of different nationalities were arrested.

Last month, the SDF ejected 55 minors from military service and returned them to their families.