HPG guerrilla Germiyan: We won’t allow Turkey to carry out a genocide against our people

The resistance in Avashin, Zap and Metina against the attacks launched by the invading Turkish state on 23 April continues. HPG guerrilla Botan Germiyan spoke about the resistance. He said that the Turkish army knew no borders in the occupation and also criticized the political parties in South Kurdistan.

HPG guerrilla Germiyan said that if the political parties in the south had not allowed the Turkish state to invade their country, it would not be possible for the Turkish army to continue with the invasion. He added: “Our people should know that those who cooperate with the Turkish army in Zap, Avashin and Metina are not the children of these lands. Guerrillas protect the honour of Kurdistan. The PKK exists for the achievements of Kurds, for the values of Kurds. If the mountains of the Kurds are bombed, the forests of Kurdistan are burned every day, there is hostility to all Kurds.”

Emphasizing that the Kurdish people pay a heavy price all over Kurdistan, HPG guerrilla Germiyani said: “The Kurds chose to resist all kinds of attacks. There is a threat to Kurdish achievements right now. For example, why did the Turkish Army continue to invade South Kurdistan? Why did not Kurds fully guarantee their achievements? Because they did not take any decision on behalf of the nation. The Turkish state also benefits from this. Of course, the guerrillas do not want a single Kurdish house to be bombed. The nature of Kurdistan should not be plundered. The Turkish state is killing Kurds, occupying the South. This is a genocide against all Kurds, not just in South Kurdistan. Everyone should see the resistance carried out in Avashin, Zap and Metina. Guerrillas are the children of the people of Kurdistan.”