Kongra Star condemns femicide

Kongra Star Northern and Eastern Syria Coordination issued a written statement about the murder of Eyde El Hemûdi El Seido and Aye Mihemed El Xilêf. Stating that the struggle will continue to stop the killing of women and children, the statement demanded that the murderers be sentenced to the maximum punishment before the law.

Underlining that women will continue to increase their struggle, the statement said: “We reiterate once again that we will continue to step up the struggle to end all forms of violence against women. We will continue to work to ensure women’s freedom and to ensure that the concepts of justice and equality are accepted in society. We will bring about a great change that will stop any attack to break women’s will. We once again condemn all kinds of attacks against women’s will. In order to stop the male-dominated mentality that tries to deprive women of their rights in every field, those responsible of killing women must be sentenced to the heaviest punishment before the law.”