Human bones found during construction work in Cizre

During excavation work for the laying of underground power cables, human bones have been found in the Dicle neighborhood of the Cizre district today. The skeletal remains said to be the bones of two people were taken to forensic medicine for further examination.

In the same neighborhood, parts of a human skeleton were discovered during construction work on July 1. At least 288 people died violently in Cizre in the winter of 2015/2016. The Turkish military had entered several Kurdish towns to prevent the implementation of the declared autonomy. In Cizre, many people fled to the basements of residential buildings to seek shelter from war crimes.

On February 7, 2016, security forces piped gasoline into the basements of two residential buildings and set them on fire. In the process, at least 177 people were burned alive or shot dead. People also died in a third basement during the military siege. The “Cizre Death Basements” have gone down in the history of war crimes and atrocities committed by the fascist regime of Turkey.