HDP Vigil: Gergerlioğlu is the will of the people

The HDP has launched a Justice Vigil in front of Sincan Prison for its jailed lawmaker Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, who has not been released despite the Constitutional Court (AYM) ruling violations of rights in his case. Intervening in the vigil, the police detained a number of people using violence. The HDP members, who continue their Justice Vigil despite the police intervention, have made a statement.

HDP Istanbul Deputy Züleyha Gülüm recalled that Gergerlioğlu was arrested unlawfully due to a retweet on social media.  “The judiciary sentenced him under the influence of the government. We know very well that the judiciary is not independent. We also know that his arrest is not in accordance with the ECtHR rulings. We had said that we should wait for a decision since there was an appeal to the AYM. Despite this, he was unlawfully stripped of parliamentary immunity in the Parliament and was later arrested and sent to prison. The Constitutional Court has recently ruled that he should be released, yet the decision has not been implemented,” she said.


Gülüm emphasized that the detainees should be released. “Based on the AYM ruling in the case of Gergerlioğlu, the lawsuits against Leyla Güven and our party are also unlawful. The AYM postpones the evaluation of unlawful court decisions. We came together against these unlawful decisions. As always, those who militate against the exercise of democratic rights have detained our friends. Those who have been detained unlawfully should be released. Gergerlioğlu is the will of the people, you are committing a crime by keeping him in prison unjustly and unlawfully.”