KCDK-E calls on everyone to join march from Lausanne to Geneva

The KCDK-E Co-Presidency Council said in a written statement that they will get together on 9 July, with well-known politicians, writers, artists, journalists, academics, institutions and political party representatives from 4 parts of Kurdistan and will then hold a march from Lausanne to Geneva on 10-12 July.

The choice of Lausanne as the starting point of the march, is not coincidental, as it is in the Swiss city that on 24 July 1923, the Treaty that established the division of Kurdistan among four states was signed.

The statement said: “We will hold a 3-day march from Lausanne, where Kurdistan was divided into 4 parts with the historical Lausanne genocide Treaty. We will march to Geneva. The march will be held with the slogan Let’s defend Kurdistan against the Turkish invasion.”

The statement added: “Kurdish institutions, party representatives, intellectuals, writers, artists, painters, journalists, academics, Christian, Kurdish, Syriac-Chaldean, Assyrian, Armenian, Turkmen, Alevi, Muslim, Yazidi, women and men from different political views living in different parts of Kurdistan will get together on 9 July and then we will march from Lausanne to Geneva from 10 to 12 July.

Since the Kurds were not organized and united 100 years ago, international powers not only left Kurdistan without status by dividing it into four, but also gave their approval and support to the massacre and genocidal policies of the colonial states that invaded and annexed Kurdistan. In the 21st century, they want to get results with divide and rule policy in order to weaken the peoples of Kurdistan and prevent them from achieving their status. The people of Kurdistan will not allow these dirty policies in this century and will organize and unite.”

The statement continued: “Countries and international powers that stand against this union and take advantage of the Kurds’ lack of status, are silently supporting the invading Turkish state.

Taking advantage of this, the genocidal Turkish state is using all means for ethnic cleansing in all parts of Kurdistan. The most basic way to nullify this is to resist by enlarging our national unity.

The KCDK-E calls on all our friends, especially the Kurdish people from all parts, and everyone who calls themselves human, to join the march that will be held to protest and frustrate the invading Turkish state’s ambitions.”

A press conference will be held on 10 July at 10.30 am in Lausanne. The march will start from Place du Port, 1006 Lausanne, Ouchy.