Defend Kurdistan welcomes the Zapatistas in Madrid

Rojava Azadî Madrid and Women Defend Rojava Madridwe welcomed “La Montaña” (The Mountain), the Zapatista delegation which arrived in Madrid on Saturday.

The Madrid solidarity groups said: “We hope that your trip will bring the clean breeze of the Lacandona jungle to this old Europe, sick with selfishness and pride.
Far from here, where Europe becomes Asia, are the high mountains of Kurdistan. In these mountains and the plains that surround them, the Neolithic expanded 10000 years ago, and a new revolution has been taking place for 40 years, sister of the Zapatista revolution. Grassroots democracy, gender liberation and defense of the Earth are the pillars of the Kurdistan movement and the Rojava revolution, which today is in imminent danger due to the invasion of Turkey and its jihadist mercenaries.”