No news from the NES officials detained by the KDP three weeks ago

Democratic Union Party (PYD) Hewlêr (Erbil) Representative Mistefa Osman Xelîl, Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria (AANES) representative Cîhad Hesen and PYD member Mistefa Ezîz Mistê, who were detained by the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in southern Kurdistan, have not been from for over three weeks.

The three representatives of North-East Syria were detained by the KDP forces at Hewler Airport, where they went to receive their guests on June 10.

No news has been received about the PYD and Autonomous Administration representatives for 23 days. The Hewler (Erbil) administration refuses to inform the PYD and the Autonomous Administration about the background of the arrests.

In the meantime, no news has been received either from Ciwan Ebdulkerim, who went to southern Kurdistan for the treatment of his sick mother via the Habur Border Crossing, for 25 days since he was detained.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the PYD warned that it will hold the Hewler government responsible if anything happens to the Autonomous Administration and PYD representatives detained in southern Kurdistan.

PYD said, “Since the day our friends were arrested, we have been calling out to the South Kurdistan Government to explain the fate of our friends and the reasons for their arrest. Yet all our calls have gone unanswered.”

“As the Democratic Union Party, we consider the South Kurdistan Government responsible for anything that could happen to our friends and for their safety,” the statement warned.