YRK fighter: Guerrilla is the only way to emancipation

The invasion attacks launched by the Turkish army against Avashin, Zap and Metina in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) continue. The guerrillas are putting up historic resistance against the attacks. One of the guerrillas from the battleground is Cengawer Qendil, who is from Mahabad in Rojhilat (Eastern Kurdistan, Iran).

“I joined the guerrillas to reject the oppression and persecution of the Iranian state against the country and the Kurdish people. I consider myself lucky to be a part of the guerrillas. If I had not joined the Freedom Movement, I would have been assimilated by the invaders. The most interesting thing for me is the comradeship among the guerrillas. I have never seen any single guerrilla working for her/his own interest. Instead, they are working to build a moral and human life for Kurdistan and the oppressed peoples,” Qendil pointed out.

“ The youth of Rojhilat should know that the Iranian dictatorship wants to win over the Kurdish youth through special war methods. The Iranian regime does not react harshly to young people like other occupying states. It sympathizes with young people using its soft power. Therefore, the youth of Rojhilat should be careful against these tricks of the state. The most radical and meaningful attitude towards the enemy is to join the guerrillas. Guerrilla is the only way to emancipation. That’s why I call on the Kurdish youth to join the guerrillas for an honourable and free life,” he added.