Sancar: Together, we can end the plunder and corruption

HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party) Co-Chair Mithat Sancar evaluated the recent political developments at party’s group meeting in the Parliament.

Sancar commemorated Sheikh Said, Seyid Rıza and Orhan Doğan. “My dear friend and comrade Orhan Doğan, who devoted his life to the struggle for democracy and peace, passed away 14 years ago. Orhan Doğan is a symbol of the struggle for peace and dignity. His memory will always shed light on our struggle and he will continue to live on in our struggle.”

We were in Dersim last Thursday and Friday. We held a meeting on equal citizenship and peoples. On the first day, we met with our people in Seyid Rıza Square.”

Sancar said that Seyit Rıza’s unyielding stance is their legacy and commemorated Seyid Rıza with respect.”


Sancar stated that this year will be the final year of the struggle between the monist, oppressive, denialist mentality and the forces that promote equality, justice and freedom. “We are heading towards the final phase. In this final year, we want to reinforce the partnership of all the oppressed in this country, especially our Alevi citizens and the Kurdish people.”

Sancar also commemorated those who were massacred in the July 2 Sivas Massacre.


Sancar continued his speech: “We are faced with a system of destruction that produces violence, poverty, corruption, injustice, oppression and plunder. We are struggling to change this system that has been going on for decades and this mafia order, which is one of the biggest monsters that this system has produced. All we have to do is move forward to the centre of the crime. The centre of crime is this government and system, which became a mafia group. This system relies on the denial and destruction of the Kurdish issue.”


The HDP Co-Chair pointed out the following; “They manage to cover up all the lies, robbery and rape by implementing war policies as an excuse in the Kurdish question. This is what we mean with  final phase. What shall change this system and this monster government is a broad social struggle and a democratic alliance. The HDP aspires to lead this. The party has experience, and also has the determination to realize it. It is the HDP idea and HDP struggle that can remove this order and system. This is why they attack HDP this much. They know that the real alternative to this system is freedom for peoples, equality for beliefs, hope for young people and an order in which women determine their own lives.


The HDP has revealed the corruption of this government. They have started to use the tools they have against each other and to fight with each other. The main reason for this war is to receive a bigger share of the rent. Crime networks try to secure themselves; they have already created safe spaces for themselves because they see their power will be gone.

We can only remove the corrupted government by increasing the determined struggle of the peoples, the oppressed, the youth, and the women. This is the purpose of our call for an alliance of democracy. We have repeatedly said that we do not see our call as an election-oriented call.


There is always something to do in every field. A Democracy Conference took place on June 25. More than 200 organizations came together and held this conference. As a party, we are in favour of this struggle. We do not delegate our duty to anyone, we do not run away from the struggle. On the contrary, we will be present in every field of the struggle. As we promised to the Alevi people in Dersim, we will come together with the marginalized and the oppressed at every stage of our march. We will hold public meetings. Our spokespersons will announce these to the public soon.


In the closure case, our law office will not be the only one to defend the party. Because this case is not actually a lawsuit against the HDP. It has been filed against the struggle for democracy, peace, hope and freedom in Turkey. It was opened to continue this system and the dirty mafia order. We met with Turkey’s leading lawyers in Istanbul yesterday, talked to them, exchanged ideas and formed working groups. We will prepare a defence that will be a future document of the struggle for democracy through law.  


When we say that we will not allow the HDP’s closure, we do not say that the court will not close the party. We will keep the HDP alive as an idea and organization. The indictment says that the HDP is involved in violence. What violence? The system they have established produces violence itself. The main reason of violence is this government itself.


They killed our comrade Deniz Poyraz in the attack on the Izmir headquarter. Who was the murderer? He is a protected person associated with anti-Kurdish political milieus. If you are looking for violence, you need to look at what was done to us. Police brutally attacked the Pride March held in Istanbul at the weekend. So, I repeat it again; the main reason of violence is the government itself. However, the HDP favours honour, equality, freedom and co-existence. The HDP is a community of people who are fighting to end violence by paying a price.


The HDP is a party that carries out the struggle against this government that seeks to plunder our forest, nature, streams, Dersim, Munzur, Hopa, İkizdere, Şexan, and Istanbul under the guise of Kanal Istanbul project. We want to march together with all the organizations and all of our people who are subjected to violence and harm because of the corrupted policies in Turkey. Our responsibility is to the oppressed, exploited and denied. We carry their responsibility on our shoulders. The closure case is a case of fear and cowardice. Whatever the result, the HDP will continue its struggle against this order through the common struggle of the peoples.

It is impossible for our citizens who voted for AKP not to see the truth. If you look at this lie, plunder and misery, you will see everything clearly. Do not allow this government to continue this order with your votes anymore. If they make propaganda to scare you, do not believe that all your gains will be gone if this government loses.

We are right. Therefore, we are the ones who will win. If we march together, we will end this pillage, lie, robbery and corruption. We will definitely pave the way for all of us to live together in a free and equal future.”