Aldar Xelil: Turkish and Syrian intelligence services co-operate

In an interview with ANF, Democratic Union Party (PYD) Co-Presidency Council Member Aldar Xelil told that Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Bashar Jaafari’s recent remarks about Turkey resulted from the contradictions between the two countries. “This is nothing new. If the Syrian regime is bringing up the issue now, it is because of the contradictions between them”.

The Turkish judiciary is prosecuting the Kobane Resistance with the Kobane plot trial. What do you think about it?

The Kobane Resistance was historic. I respectfully commemorate all the immortal martyrs who made this resistance possible. Without the martyrs, freedom fighters and the unity of these peoples, the resistance would not have taken place in this way. The fact that ‘a people with a will and insistence on victory can win, no matter how intense an attack’ was proved with this resistance. ISIS experienced its first defeat in Kobane. It was a sacred resistance.

However, neither ISIS nor its owner Erdoğan could accept this situation. They wanted to take their revenge from Kobane. They carried out a massacre on June 25 and killed revolutionary-patriotic women in Kobane last year. This proves the fact that the owner of ISIS is Erdoğan. They always want to get their revenge on this city. Turkey wants to attack whoever supported this resistance. The attacks on Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî, threats against Manbij and other regions are all serving this purpose. In other words, Erdoğan wants to settle a score for ISIS.


Erdoğan is taking revenge for this not only in North-East Syria, but also in North Kurdistan (Turkey). The peoples and politicians in North Kurdistan are being prosecuted by Erdoğan for supporting Kobane in 2014 and the following period. He asks for an account asking, “Why did you support Kobanê?” Thousands of people have been in Turkish prisons because they supported Kobane.

Our people supported this resistance at home and abroad, in four parts of Kurdistan. Erdoğan no longer accepts this. When the Kobane Resistance started, thousands of young people from North Kurdistan came and joined this resistance. Some were martyred and some were injured. There are still people who continue their struggle. They have now become the defenders of Rojava and Kobane. They removed ISIS. Their identity, presence and representation has become a symbol of national resistance and unity in Rojava, North-East Syria and all of Kurdistan.  

The violations committed by the Turkish state are related to this resistance and the revolutionary gains. Everyone should have an attitude towards this situation.

Attacks on North-East Syria regions have intensified. Some have attempted to create provocations in Manbij and Shaddadi. However, the escalation of events was avoided by the security forces. Who is behind the attacks on North-East Syria?

The peoples of Syria are not lucky because they are neighbours to a state governed by Erdoğan. Turkish state has intervened in Syria since the first day of the revolution in Syria. The intervention of the Turkish state in Syria produced very negative results. One of them was that they did not allow a political solution to develop. They transformed the Syrian opposition into mercenary groups. Turkish intervention kept the regime alive and consolidated it. The role of the Turkish state is very bad.

It is the AKP-MHP that has been fighting against the forces that want democracy and freedom in Syria. If Turkey had not intervened in Syria, perhaps the peoples of Syria could have developed a solution within themselves and with Damascus. Turkey attacks the forces of democracy.


Turkey occupied Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî. Currently it focuses on creating strife. First, Turkish intelligence service MIT negotiates with the Syrian regime and tells them, ‘If you make demographic change, if you don’t agree with the North-East Syrian authorities and develop a solution, I’m behind you and I won’t let you collapse. I won’t fight you like I used to’. Erdoğan said in 2011-2012 that the Bashar al-Assad regime had to be overthrown. He doesn’t say that now. He tells al-Assad that ‘If you want to keep your power, you can keep it’. Secondly, Turkey is inciting the peoples of the region against each other. Because our project is based on the Democratic Nation notion. In other words, all nations and peoples, including the Kurdish people, should have rights. Kurdish-Arab-Syriac-Assyrian people all take part in the democratic project. Erdoğan is reacting to it. That’s why he creates strife.

How do the MIT and the Mukhabarat work to cause strife in the region?

Intelligence relations have been established between the Syrian regime and the Turkish state. They are working on Arab tribes, Syriac constituents and prominent public figures. On the one hand, they are forming sleeper cells. On the other hand, they spread false information through their special warfare methods. They carry out psychological and special warfare. They want to disturb the psychology of society and diminish their hopes of success.


They also want to create conflicting situations between the peoples of the region, especially the Kurdish-Arab people. The MIT is working on this. Fortunately, the peoples of the region have practically lived the realities since 2011. They believe in this project and love it. That’s why they cannot be tricked easily. Serious problems may have emerged in Manbij, Deir ez-Zor and Shaddadi. Every country has such problems. In North-East Syria, such a situation may arise due to the mistakes and deficiencies that sometimes arise between the administration and the people. MIT and Syrian regime intelligence try to take advantage of this situation. They tried to create civil strife over this situation. However, the Autonomous Administration and the security forces and the initiatives of opinion leaders frustrated the Erdoğan-Syrian regime’s games.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Bashar Jaafari stated that Erdoğan’s son personally managed the stealing of oil and natural gas by ISIS in Syria, and that the MIT smuggled sarin gas from Libya to Syria. Sedat Peker also disclosed some information about these attacks. Why is there silence towards the crimes committed by the Turkish state in these regions? Why did the Syrian regime authorities make such a statement?

The Turkish state has intervened everywhere. It is the Turkish state that established Jabhat al-Nusra, developed ISIS, provided intelligence-ammunition-logistics, created plans and projects, and set targets for them. Everyone knows this fact, whether or not Jaafari tells it. In 2014, everyone saw how the Turkish state deployed mercenaries on the border line during the Kobane Resistance, and how bomb attacks were carried out on the border near Kobane-Girê Spi. The Turkish state openly supported them and undertook activities in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Libya, the Mediterranean, Syria and Iraq. So, nothing is new.

If the Syrian regime is bringing up these issues now, it is because they have intelligence relations. There are relations between Hakan Fidan, head of MIT, and the Syrian intelligence. But currently there are some contradictions between them. There are problems between Erdoğan-Russia-Syria regime concerning the Idlib issue. Jaafari’s recent statement was made to put pressure on Turkey over Idlib. The second reason is that the Syrian regime wants to represent itself as the ‘protector of the Arab lands’, as they define it, among the Arab countries.

Such things happen in politics. They unite when they are anti-democratic and anti-libertarian. However, there are also contradictions between them. The Geneva talks and the Syrian constitution talks have stopped. The United Nations representative for Syria is hopeless. For this reason, they seek to use everything in their power in order to put pressure on the other side.