USA calls on allied governments to repatriate the citizens engaged in the ISIS

In the meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat the ISIS, Antony Blinken, the USA Secretary of the State pointed out approximately 10.000 ISIS gangs currently detained by Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and called the situation “simply untenable”.

Blinken said, “The USA continues to call upon the governments including the coalition partners to repatriate their citizens for both rehabilitation and prosecution.”

France and the United Kingdom, two of the closest allies of the USA, have been the leading countries reluctant to answer the call for repatriating their citizens engaged in the ISIS, which was launched by the administration of Donald Trump, former president of the USA.

While Blinken appreciated Italy as one of rare Western European countries which took the ISIS members back and saluted the corresponding efforts of a couple of Central Asian countries such as Kyrgyzstan. According to Blinken, Kyrgyzstan repatriated 600 ISIS members and their family members and incorporated them into rehabilitation programs.

According to the report of Human Rights Watch there are 63 thousand women and children engaged in the ISIS in two camps of North and East Syria.

SDF’s call upon the coalition

The general commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Mazlum Abdi, has called on the anti-ISIS coalition to provide repatriation assistance to the countries of origin of captured ISIS members. A solution for the tens of thousands of women, children and jihadists who have ended up in the camps is imperative for a “sustainable victory” over ISIS terrorism, Abdi said. Ahead of the ministerial meeting in Rome, the SDF advocated the establishment of a special international court to prosecute ISIS terrorists.

“We call on the coalition to help these people return to their home countries, fund education and de-radicalization programs, and support stability and strong economic recovery in the Liberated Areas in order to tackle the root causes of extremism,” Abdi wrote on Twitter.

Noncombatant capture of further areas of Iraq/Syria

ISIS took the city of Mosul almost without a fight in the summer of 2014 and proclaimed its “caliphate” there. Thereafter, the militia expanded its territory to large parts of Iraq and Syria and committed the most serious crimes. On August 3, 2014, ISIS committed genocide against the Yazidi population in Shengal, murdering men, abducting women and children, and selling them in slave markets. Led by the USA the anti-ISIS coalition was formed that same year, including 83 countries and five international organizations: the EU and NATO, the Arab League, Interpol, and the Community of Sahel-Saharan States.

11,000 martyred, 23,000 wounded

The resistance in Kobanê/Rojava in January 2015 put a temporary end to ISIS’ triumphal march. From then on, the jihadists were gradually pushed back. On March 21, 2019, the Kurdish New Year holiday of Newroz, the militia’s territorial rule was ended in its last bastion of Baghouz where the victory flag was raised by the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ). Two days later, the SDF officially announced victory over ISIS. The multi-ethnic alliance, whose backbone is the YPG, has paid a heavy toll in the fight against jihadist terror, with 11,000 martyred and over 23,000 wounded in the war.