Nuran Sezgin: Attacks against Maxmur are attacks against all Kurds

The invading Turkish state, which has been attacking the Zap, Avashîn and Metîna regions in South Kurdistan since 23 April, bombed Maxmur Camp, where thousands of civilian refugees live, on 5 June.

The Maxmur people, who do not bow to the policies of the invading Turkish state, have been living in the camp since 1994. Although Maxmur Camp is under the protection of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, it is exposed to the attacks of the invading Turkish state and the pressures of the KDP.

Speaking to ANHA about the situation, Nuran Sezgin, Member of the Maxmur Ishtar Women’s Council, drew attention to the fact that Maxmur Camp was exposed to attacks by the Turkish state, although it was under the protection of the UN.

Stating that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees was in fact responsible for the attacks on Maxmur Camp, Nuran Sezgin said: “The resistance and struggle of the refugees in Maxmur have been recognized. The UN has not fulfilled any of its responsibilities to prevent the attacks of the Turkish state targeting the camp since 2015. Attacks are a serious threat to all civilians, especially women and children. That’s why the UN should take a clear stance.”

Sezgin added: “The UN should not give the green light to the attacks carried out by the invading Turkish state. The attacks pose a threat to the entire people of South Kurdistan. As in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî, the invaders want to occupy South Kurdistan, change the demographic structure of the region and establish military bases there. It is not a remote possibility that the Turkish state will violate the rights of the South Kurdistan people, as in the occupied regions [of Northern and Eastern Syria].”

Stating that the silence of the people of South Kurdistan prepared the ground for the attacks of the Turkish state, Sezgin pointed out that the attacks were directed not only to Maxmur Camp but to the whole region.

When ISIS mercenaries launched their genocidal attacks on Shengal in August 2014, Iraqi forces and KDP peshmergas failed the Yazidi people. HPG and YJA Star guerrillas rushed to the cry for helf of the Yazidi people and showed a unique resistance against ISIS.

Nuran Sezgin reminded that HPG guerrillas have been fighting in the mountains of Kurdistan to protect their people and their land for years and said: “Guerrillas who have been defending their land for years went to defend the people of Shengal and saved them from ISIS mercenaries. The guerrillas are resisting the occupation, and we must stand by the guerrillas to foil the plans of the invaders.”

Sezgin reminded that the aim of the Turkish state is to destroy the peoples in the region, to cancel the achievements gained thanks to the martyrs and to expand their occupation area. She said that the peshmerga forces should side with the HGP guerrillas in order to avoid a fratricide war and invasion plans.