MLKP pays tribute to martyr Zilan Destan

The MLKP Kurdistan Organization said in written statement: “Comrade Zîlan Destan, who fella as martyr in Qamishlo, Rojava on 13 June 2021, while performing her revolutionary duties, was one of our leading comrades in the Rojava and Northern and Eastern Syria revolution, the women’s revolution, and worked for a communist life.”

The statement recalled that Zîlan Destan contacted the MLKP Kurdistan Organization in mid-2017. “Comrade Zîlan knew what the symbols of class war and gender freedom struggle meant to the oppressed. It was a conscious choice for her to join her comrades and her party. She fought and struggled under the flag she gave her heart to.”

The MLKP said: “Comrade Zîlan Destan’s MLKP membership process, which started in August 2019, was successfully completed in February 2020. She became stronger with the military and ideological trainings she received at the MLKP Hüseyin Demircioğlu Academy in 2018-2019.”

The statement included the following information about Destan: “Elende El Muhammed, who was formed and shaped within a Kurdish family from Kobanê, turned into comrade Zîlan Destan with a conscious and determinate work after getting to know the MLKP. With great effort, great will, passionate work, devoted militancy, and a critical stance towards her party and her comrades, she both developed her party and communist commitment.”

The statement added: “Comrade Zîlan very strongly expressed her desire to take part on the war fronts. Comrade Zîlan’s request was fulfilled. In the most difficult period of the Afrin war, she became a ‘human shield’ against the occupation of the city and she defended Afrin under bombs.

She fought against the Turkish state’s invasion targeting Girê Spi and Serêkaniyê.”