Defend Kurdistan Initiative in Bern protests Turkish attacks on South Kurdistan

The action organized by Defend Kurdistan was attended by the Democratic Forces Union (DGB) components, peace delegation members and hundreds of people from Swiss, Turkish and Kurdistan democratic circles.

The action held in Reithalle started with a minutef silence in memory of the martyrs of the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle and democracy.

Hediye Munzur, speaking on behalf of the Action Organizing Committee, read the statement in which Defend Kurdistan called to increase the struggle against occupation.

Journalist and Greens and Basta Party Secretary Franziska Stier, who was part of the peace delegation that went to South Kurdistan, said in her speech that they reached South Kurdistan despite the German state’s efforts to prevent them from doing so.

Stating that they were met with hostility by the KDP administration, Stier said, “The KDP administration, by ignoring our demands for peace and deporting us, became a partner in the occupation and the genocidal attacks against the people.”


Saadet Kuran, a member of the peace delegation and a Peace Mother was ablo to reach Hewler. She talked about the process they had to go through.

Stating that their request to go to the Medya Defense Zones to fulfill the mission they undertook was rejected by the KDP administration, Kuran said: “We will raise our demands for peace wherever we are against these policies by the KDP administration, which sees the occupation and genocide as legitimate.”

Speaking on behalf of the Swiss Kurdish Community, Kurdish politician Nejdet Atalay said: “We will respond with full resistance to the silence of both NATO, the UN and European states. In this sense, the creation of Kurdish national unity will be a response to the occupation forces’ concept of genocide.”
