Hemo: So-called Syrian opposition became a putty in Turkey’s hands

In a statement last week, Nesir El Heriri, leader of so-called Syrian opposition front, called on the Turkish state to intervene in Til Rifat and Manbij. Syrian people defined this call as a betrayal. Fehime Hemo, member of Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) Co-Presidency Council spoke to ANHA on the issue and called the statement shameful. She expressed that the so-called Syrian opposition acts under Turkey’s guidance and does not base on the interests of Syrian peoples.


Hemo mentioned the current policies of Turkey and said, “The Turkish state intends to seize these territories and uses groups such as the so-called Syrian opposition to this end. These groups are acting as Turkey’s agents and base on the interests of the Turkish state but not Syrian peoples. North Syria was invaded through these gangs. The Turkish state uses these gangs in Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh and southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).”


According to Fehime Hemo, Nesir El Heriri’s call proves the fact that he has become a putty in Turkey’s hands. She continued, “People are kidnapped and exposed to torture in the areas invaded by the Turkish state. Every day, new massacres are perpetrated and the nature is devastated. All of these crimes are committed in sight of the entire world.”


Fehime stressed that they, as representatives of the Syrian people, are always ready for a dialog. She said they insist that efforts for a solution to the existing problems should base on dialogue.”

Calling on the so-called opposition to base on the interests of Syrian people, she lastly said, “A crisis desk should be established immediately for the solution of Syrian people’s problems. Only within this framework can the Syrian people achieve gains.”