22 ISIS members captured in SDF operation in Deir ez-Zor countryside

Counter-Terrorism Units and SDF commandos completed the 2-day sweep campaign in al-Busayrah city, Deir ez-Zor eastern countryside. During the operation, they arrested 22 Daesh mercenaries and uncovered an IEDs factory in addition to seizing large quantities of weapons and explosive materials.

Supported with aerial surveillance by the international coalition, the successful operation was able to thwart potential terrorist operations prepared by those terrorist cells.

During the first day of the operation, Counter-Terrorism Units arrested 17 terrorists and collaborators, and on the second day, the commandos arrested five others who were using civilian homes to hide and turn them into IED factories, and several secret tunnels and camouflage trenches were uncovered.

According to the SDF Press Office, ISIS cells tried to stir up strife among the people to hinder SDF forces’ campaign. The accurate intelligence and the cooperation of the people helped the operation succeed, dismantling several terrorist cells and preventing them from achieving their terrorist targets.

On February 20th, ISIS terrorist cells conducted a terrorist attack by detonating a motorcycle bomb in the city market killing three civilians and injuring 10 others.

The SDF asserted its firmness in confronting ISIS, eliminating its activity and terrorist cells and preventing them from conducting terrorist acts in the north and eastern Syria.