Sweden Foreign Minister Linde says Turkish attacks on South Kurdistan affect safety of civilians

Swedish Parliament Independent Deputy Amineh Kakabaveh presented a parliamentary question to Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde about the HDP members held in prison within the scope of the Kobanê Case and the Turkish state’s invasion attacks in South Kurdistan and Rojava.

Linde answered that they have told Turkish officials that they are following the repression on HDP seriously, both through the European Union and in bilateral relations.

Linde added: “We also held talks with HDP representatives and I expressed my support. I expressed this in my last visit to Ankara. Our government attaches great importance to the implementation of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.”

Linde said that they “have demanded the release of HDP executives many times,” citing especially the imprisoned former HDP co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş.

Regarding the invasion attacks in South Kurdistan, Linde said: “Iraq has been heavily affected by the conflict in these recent years and its stability has been negatively affected by regional tensions. It is important – she added – that all parties act in accordance with international law, with full respect for Iraq’s sovereignty.”

Linde also said that “Turkey’s military operations in North Iraq are affecting civil security and stability in the region. International humanitarian law makes clear demands on the protection of civilians. Parties to an armed conflict can only target military targets. The rules of distinction, proportionality and precaution must be respected. It is something we have consistently emphasized in international contexts, including the EU and the UN.”