The Turkish state continues to carry out crimes against humanity in Afrin

The Turkish state and the mercenary group Ehrar El-Şarqiye continue their excavations at the historical site located in the village of Qurbe in Jindiresê district. The mercenaries steal the artefacts they find in the site and send them to Europe to sell them on the black market. Dozens of olive trees were also cut down to allow the excavations.

A mosque being built

On the other hand, the Turkish state is building mosques in the occupied villages of Afrin through so-called aid organizations. In this context, the Turkish state fire department signed an agreement with Gazi Al-Sham in Shêra district and started the construction of a mosque in the village of Dêr Siwane. The Turkish state and the mercenaries are trying to change the demographic structure of the place. They impose the ideas of radical organizations such as ISIS, Front Al-Nusra and the Turkmenistan Party on the society.

Doctor kidnapped

It was stated that a doctor working in the occupied Afrin hospital also murdered a woman named Meryem. It was stated that Esad Ekaş Xelil, the husband of the murdered woman, had also been kidnapped before. According to the information obtained, Meryem went to the hospital for treatment on 5 June. Meryem was taken to the operating room and died half an hour later. Local sources stated that Meryem was killed in order to sell her organs. Such incidents have been reported before at the hospital in Afrin.

Another source in Afrin stated that gangs kidnapped a 6-year-old child named “Rûiya Mihemed Xatir”.