KCDK-E calls for participation in Strasbourg rally on June 26

Since June 25, 2012, a permanent vigil for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan has been held in Strasbourg, which is taken over by changing groups from all over Europe for one week at a time. The European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress (KCDK-E) released a statement calling for strong participation in the demonstration to be staged on June 26 to mark the tenth year of the vigil.

“The vigil in front of the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and the European Parliament has been attended by tens of thousands of people to date and will be taken over on Saturday by the co-chairs of the KCDK-E, representatives of all national associations and institutions, women’s and youth movements.”

The vigil is of special importance for the ending of isolation of Abdullah Öcalan, ensuring his freedom and promoting his ideas, the KCDK-E emphasized. It has gone down in history as the longest uninterrupted, resolutely continued action and has become a symbol of resistance within the liberation struggle against the occupation and annexation of Kurdistan by the Turkish state, which aims at genocide and is supported by international powers.

On June 26, the vigil is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. with a demonstration at 67000 Place de la République in Strasbourg. According to the KCDK-E, the demonstration is directed against the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan, the Turkish invasion and armed drone attacks in southern Kurdistan, the political genocide campaign against the HDP and the anti- Kurdish policies of the fascist AKP/MHP regime.

The KCDK-E called on Kurds from Southern Germany, Switzerland and Strasbourg as well as all people fighting for freedom and equality against fascism and colonialism to actively participate in the march and the vigil.