Activists in Zurich protest the Turkish attacks on South Kurdistan and the HDP

The Turkish state’s invasion attacks against South Kurdistan and the murder of HDP member Deniz Poyraz in Izmir were protested in Zurich. Thousands of people joined the “Avaşin everywhere, Zap everywhere, everywhere Metina! Dem dema azadiye” initiative against the occupation and genocide.

Defend Kurdistan Initiative representatives and members of the International Peace Delegation as well as representatives of Swiss political parties attended the march, which was promoted by the Swiss Democratic Kurdish Society (CDK-S).


The action started with a minute silence in memory of the martyrs of freedom, democracy and peace in the person of Deniz Poyraz. CDK-S Swiss co-chair Ismail Kardaş emphasized the importance of supporting the guerrilla resistance and raising the international resistance against the genocidal attacks carried out by the invading and murderous Turkish state regime.

Kardaş reminded that “hundreds of activist politicians, academics and peace-loving Kurdish people, who set out from almost all countries of the world, went to South Kurdistan to try and prevent a war. “

Dr. Maja Hess, a member of the International Peace Delegation, who went to South Kurdistan last week, spoke about what they experienced there.

Hess said that she decided to go to South Kurdistan and joined the delegation created to try and stop the genocidal attack against the Kurdish people. “Both the bureaucratic obstacles imposed on the delegation by the German state to prevent us from leaving from Frankfurt, and the hostile approach of the KDP administration to our demands for peace after we reach South Kurdistan are unacceptable. We will continue to insist on our demand for peace as a requirement of internationalist solidarity against the genocidal attacks on the Kurdish people.”

Fabian Molina, member of the Swiss National Council from the Socialist Party, condemned the attack in which Deniz Poyraz was murdered in Izmir.
