Yazidi organizations demand ban of the Grey Wolves in Germany after İzmir attack

Yazidi organizations call for a ban on the “Grey Wolves” in Germany following the murder of Deniz Poyraz at the HDP headquarters in Izmir. A joint statement by six Yazidi associations said: “The cowardly attack on the HDP office, in which an activist was murdered, makes it clear once again that the ruling coalition consisting of AKP and MHP is willing to use any means to silence democratic opposition. The content of the tweeted messages and the photos of the murderer on his page argue that he fought against Kurds in northern Syria with his racist-fascist attitude together with jihadist forces. Obviously, this is not a matter of an individual, but of a deeply rooted, far and wide structure within the Turkish state itself. There is outright hatred and violence being sown against minorities. This is not a worldview carried by a marginal isolated group, but the prevailing policy that is systematically pursued by means of all state institutions.”

The murderer had entered the HDP headquarters, which is under round-the-clock police surveillance, armed on Thursday. 37-year-old Deniz Poyraz was alone on the premises at the time and was murdered with six shots. Actually an executive committee meeting should have taken place, this had been adjourned however at short notice.

Regarding the background of the attack, the Yazidi associations said: “For the ruling policy in Turkey the HDP is the largest obstacle for its power receipt and represents thus the largest danger potential for the government. The Erdogan government is pursuing a strategy of external aggression as well as internal repression. The occupation of parts of northern Syria (Rojava), the attacks on Kurdish-Iraqi areas and, last but not least, the constant threats against the Yazidis in Shengal are carried out before the eyes of the international community. The world looks the other way or watches inactively.

The remarkable thing in this context is that these forces with their inhuman and anti-minority attitude can also pull off their mischief here in Germany. It is an open secret that these fascist forces have built up structures here with which they proceed against opposition members in Europe without restraint and in coordination with Ankara. Although the Grey Wolves are already banned in France, the German government continues to have an extremely hard time with it. The Grey Wolves have also infiltrated political parties, even up to the highest levels, the statement said.

The Yazidi associations urged all democratic parties, and above all the federal government, to ban any Ankara-controlled and fascist-fundamentalist structures and organizations. “We condemn the attacks on the HDP and stand in solidarity with its struggle for democracy, peace and tolerance,” they added.

The statement is signed by “Central Federation of the Yazidi Associations in Germany-NAV-YÊK, Umbrella Organization of the Yazidi Women’s Council – SMJÊ, Yazidi Exile Council Sinjar – MŞD, Alliance of Yazidi Youth – HCÊ, Yazidi Center for Art and Culture – NÇÊ, Alliance of Yazidi Syrians- HÊS, Umbrella Association of Yazidi Village Councils – SMGÊ”.