Kurds in Europe take to the streets: “Deniz Poyraz is immortal”

Kurdish people took to the streets in Germany, Britain and France today to protest Thursday’s armed attack against the Peoples’ Democratic Party that killed a member of the party in the western province of Turkey.


Upon the call of the Alliance of Democratic Forces in Europe (ADGB), a protest action was held at Weinerplatz in Cologne. Kurds and their allies condemned the fascist attack against the HDP Izmir headquarter and slaughter of Deniz Poyraz. During the action, the activists made speeches on behalf of ADGB and Women Defend Rojava and read the statement of the Confederation of Kurdistan Communities in Germany (KON-MED).

The action ended with a call for participation in the march to be held in Dusseldorf on Saturday.




Likewise, in Berlin, the capital city of Germany, the murder of Deniz Poyraz in a fascist attack against the HDP was protested by Kurdish people and their fellows.

Many people from Turkey and Kurdistan and their fellows in Germany gathered at Alexanderplatz upon the call of Nav-Berlin and Dest Dan Women’s Council and expressed their solidarity with the HDP and family of Deniz Poyraz. They stressed that fascist attacks will never make them give up their rightful struggle.

The activists made statements expressing that the fascist dictatorship of AKP-MHP bloc points the HDP as a target and this is the reason of the attacks against not only the HDP but also whole Kurdish people.

Recalling the Turkish state’s relations with the gang-mafia organisations, the statements also pointed out the urgency of establishing a broad democracy front against fascism and warned that these attacks could also target the Kurds and opposition activists in Europe.




An action was organised in Hannover city of Germany in protest at the murder of Deniz Poyraz.

The action began with a minute of silence in the memory of the slain party member, after which Sevim Devrim, co-chair of Democratic Kurdish Community Center in Germany (NAV-DEM) made a speech.

Sevim Devrim said, “We condemn the fascist Turkish state. We do not treat this attack as ordinary. The mentality that killed our comrade Deniz is the mentality of the state. The same mentality had also slaughtered us in the past; therefore, we know who the perpetrator is. We surely know who the perpetrator of the mentality that killed comrade Deniz is. They will absolutely be brought to account by history! We, as honourable fighters of this struggle, will never give up. We will resist everywhere; we do not accept this mentality of persecution and massacre.”

During the action, the activists read statements and chanted slogans as “Şehit namirin” (Martyrs are immortal), “Down with the fascism of Turkey State”, “Biji berxwedana gerilla” (Long live the guerrilla resistance) and “Biji berxwedana HDP” (Long live the resistance of the HDP).


Kurdish people and their fellows took to the streets in Munich city of Germany in protest at killing of Deniz Poyraz in the armed assault against the HDP.

During the action held at Stachusplatz, the activists indicated AKP-MHP bloc as the address of the fascist assassins and stated that no attack and massacre could discourage them. The crowd conveyed the message of struggle, saying, “We call on everyone to raise their voice, to enhance the struggle and to stand with the HDP.”


In Hamburg, an action organised by the Alliance of Democratic Force in Hamburg was held at Sternschanze.

The demonstration in protest at the murder of Deniz Poyraz was participated by many institutions and their constituents. The crowd carried the HDP flags.

Nihat Akdoğan, former Hakkari deputy speaking at the demonstration pointed out that the attack was a planned and organised action.

Similarly, writer Anja Flach, a women’s rights activist, pointed out that AKP-MHP bloc which cannot stand the success of the HDP in elections provokes the massacres.

Hüseyin Ararat, representative of the Federation of Immigrant Workers in Europe condemned the fascist attack and gave a message of solidarity with the HDP.

Emine Mardin speaking on behalf of Hamburg Democratic Kurdish Community Center expressed their solidarity with the HDP and remarked that the attack targets the whole Kurdish people.




In London, the capital city of the United Kingdom, hundreds of people participated in the action in protest at the killing of Deniz Poyraz and stressed that “Fascism will be defeated”.

Answering the call of the Alliance of Democratic Forces in Britain (DGB), hundreds of people and representatives of many institutions including Britain Alevi Federation, Kurdish Community Council, Gik-Der and Day-Mer gathered in front of Wood Green Library.

The crowd carried HDP flags, posters of Deniz Poyraz and a banner reading “Down with the mafia state”.

During the action, a provocation attempt by a Turkish fascist was responded fiercely by the activists.

Dilek İncedal reading the joint statement on behalf of DGB condemned the flagrant attack that claimed Deniz Poyraz’s life and the instigators of this attack. She said, “This is the day to stand with the HDP and take to the streets against the aggression of fascism and the policies seeking to suppress the women’s struggle for freedom and equality with bloody massacres.”

İsrafil Erbil, president of Britain Alevi Federation made a speech expressing that the fascism of AKP-MHP bloc claimed a life and the fascist mentality came to an end. Erbil said, “We fiercely condemn those responsible for the murder of our dear comrade Deniz. We are all one fist to throw this regime into garbage dump of the history.”

Likewise, Elif Sarıcan, co-chair Kurdish Community Council stressed that the fascist and regressive mentality will be defeated by the Kurdish women’s struggle.

The statement which was read on behalf of the women’s organisations recalled the numerous crimes committed by fascist Erdogan regime against the Kurds, Alevis and socialists and added, “The fascist mentality that killed Deniz Poyraz will be defeated. Those responsible for this murder are the political power of fascist Erdogan and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We call on everyone to stand with the HDP against fascism.”

The activists vowed to continue their actions in London announced a large-scale protest march to be held in Manor House region on Saturday at 16:00.




In Marseille city of France, an action was held at Canabiere Square upon the call of Democratic Community Center and the Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger (Revolutionary Youth Movement-TCŞ).

During the action against the killing of Deniz Poyraz, the activists chanted slogans as “Terrorist Erdogan” and “Assassin Erdogan” and carried posters of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, flags of the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (TJK-E) and a banner reading “MHP and Erdogan’s gangs slaughtered a woman member of the HDP”.

The statement read at the protest action said, “We will get rid of this fascist alliance. They strive to avenge their losses in Avashin, Zap and Metina with planned-organised slaughters.”

The action ended with a call for massive participation in the action to be held on Saturday.




Similarly, Kurdish people and their fellows protested the murder of Deniz Poyraz, in Drancy suburb of Paris.

TJK-E activist Güneş Ardıç, speaking at the march which was followed by a demonstration organised by Drancy Women’s Council, remarked that this slaughter is the continuation of the genocidal policies against the Kurds and such attacks can discourage neither women nor Kurdish people.

The action ended with the slogans as “Şehit Namirin” (The martyrs are immortal), “Deniz Poyraz is immortal” and “Assassin Erdogan”.




In Mantes La-Jolie city of France, also, an action was staged in protest at the armed assault against the HDP and slaughter of Deniz Poyraz.

The speeches made during the action indicated the stances of European Union (EU) and the NATO both of which play ostrich when the Kurds come into question as a trigger point for such slaughters.

The activists conveyed the message that the Kurds will never surrender in the face of such attacks, saying, “At any cost, we will always raise our voice. The HDP will never surrender as it never did in the past.”

The action ended with the slogans “Jin Jiyan Azadi” (Woman, Life, Freedom), “The HDP is the people” and “Assassin Erdogan, collaborator EU”.