HPJ guerrilla Avesta Cudi: Every woman has the power to change the destiny determined for her

Eastern Kurdistan Women’s Defense Forces (HPJ) guerrilla Avesta Cudi said that the invading states want to give the final strike of their special war policy in Kurdistan, especially on women. Noting that the Kurdish people have always been the target of the invaders throughout history, HPJ guerrilla Avesta Cudi called on all women, especially the women of Meriwan, Sine, Urmiye and Kermanshah, to rise up against the oppression and occupation of sovereign states.

Emphasizing that the people should be careful about this dirty war aimed at the destruction of the Kurds, Avesta Cudi added: “There may be a heavy war in South Kurdistan today, but this does not mean that the Iranian regime does not carry out special genocidal policies. Especially the women of Rojhilat believe that the Iranian regime follows a policy of genocide. Therefore, as a revolutionary woman, I appeal to all women in Rojhilat: Let’s stand together against these genocidal policies.”


Drawing attention to the difference between guerrilla life and social life, Avesta said: “Today, women are oppressed by men in our society. Women whose most natural rights have been taken away. The Women’s Freedom Movement proposes a life that offers freedom. I joined the Freedom Movement as a woman because I did not accept the patriarchal mentality surrounding me. I did not accept this mentality: it is better to live 10 years of dignity and freedom than to live a long life in an oppressed life.

As a woman, it means a great deal to be able to say that we live with dignity and freedom with both my male and female comrades. Women trapped within the walls of a chauvinist society should know that this is not the only possible world. Every woman has the power to change the destiny determined for her.”