IPPNW calls on Germany to work for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish question

The medical peace organization IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) released a statement condemning the Turkish military operations in northern Iraq, which are contrary to international law, as well as the arrest and obstruction of members of the “International Delegation for Peace and Freedom in Kurdistan”. The IPPNW called on German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to ensure that German authorities do not continue to obstruct the delegation’s journey. In addition, it said, he should make representations to his Turkish counterpart to ensure that the delegation members can continue their journey unhindered.

“In order not to strain relations with Turkey”

The IPPNW statement continued, “Since April 2021, the Turkish army has been conducting cross-border military operations in Iraqi Kurdistan. In the meantime, it has firmly installed several military bases permanently installed and is waging a war with bombs and armed drones against the PKK, which has its retreat area there in the mountains. In the process, the civilian population suffers particularly, with villages destroyed and people displaced. There have also beenTurkish attacks on the Maxmur refugee camp and the town of Shengal. Kurdish guerrillas also repeatedly raise accusations that the Turkish army is using poison gas. Apparently, the Turkish invasion is taking place with the tacit acquiescence of the Iraqi government and the Kurdish autonomous government.

Representatives of the Kurds in Germany and Europe have called for a peace delegation to Erbil to mediate between the Kurdish autonomous government in Erbil and the PKK and to get a picture of the situation on the ground. They wanted to meet representatives of various Kurdish parties and the civilian population. On the grounds of ‘not further straining relations with Turkey’, members of the delegation, which included politicians, activists and journalists, were detained by the federal police at Düsseldorf airport, including Cansu Özdemir from the Hamburg parliament.”

Gisela Penteker: Lift the PKK ban

IPPNW physician Gisela Penteker further explained: “Both the politically active Kurds in Germany and the members of Kurdish parties in Turkey are marginalized and demonized. The Federal Government should follow the example of Belgium and lift the PKK ban and be committed to a peace solution in the Kurdish conflict. This would also contribute to peaceful coexistence in Germany.”