People of Qamishlo march against the Turkish state and KDP

Hundreds of people from Derik, Girkê Legê, Çilaxa, Til Koçer, Berava and Koçerat in the Qamishlo Canton in Cizre region staged a march in protest at the invading Turkish state’s attacks and KDP’s collaboration with Turkey. Families of martyrs who lost their lives as a result of chemical weapons used by the Turkish state in Medya Defense Zones also joined the march. The protesters carried images of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan and banners that read ‘No to Kurdish Civil War’, ‘Time for National Unity’ and ‘Honour March Against Occupation and Betrayal’.

Wesfiye Mûrad, member of the Kongreya Star in Dêrik district, condemned the KDP’s support to the Turkish state.

“The aim of the invading Turkish state is not only to remove the guerrilla, but also to occupy the whole Kurdistan,” Mûrad said.

The activist stated that the Turkish state takes courage from the silence of international institutions and forces and called for national unity.