HBDH commemorates June 15-16 Workers’ Uprising

The People’s United Revolutionary Movement (HBDH) Executive Committee released a written statement to commemorate the June 15-16 Workers’ Uprising.

The statement said the following:

“Workers and laborers live under hunger and poverty. Price increases, layoffs, flexible working, lack of job security, wages below the hunger line, bad working conditions and police violence over workers. These are all that this government can give to workers.


But is there anything that the workers and all the oppressed can give to this order? Yes, there is. This order deserves an answer that shows the power of labour to those who impose slavery on us. The answer will show that we do not accept this cruelty. This order deserves only this answer.

Only with the power of labour can this order be held to account. Only the uprising of the oppressed can change this order. This oppression can only be ended by the combined strength of the oppressed. This order must be changed for the emancipation of labour and the oppressed. Fascism must be destroyed. It is possible and inevitable to do so.

Exactly 51 years ago, on June 15-16, the workers who took to streets and rebelled manifested the irrepressible destructive power of labour. Even these actions, which were attended by only 140,000 workers and covered a very short period of time, were enough to make the bourgeoisie fear. Troops were deployed on the streets, the police attacked furiously, and martial law was declared. The panic among the bourgeois was so much that some of them even fled abroad in a hurry. A flood of rebel workers revolted and destroyed whatever came their way. The class’ response to the attack on their own organization was insurrection. It was a complete helplessness of the bourgeois and the bourgeois government in the face of organized power and violence.


After 51 years, the war between the oppressor and the oppressed continues with much sharper contradictions. This order is rotting and collapsing. On the 51st anniversary the June 15-16 Workers’ Uprising, we must reclaim the courage of our comrades who fought for their organization and became immortal and march on their path to give a final answer.

We respectfully commemorate the June 15-16 Workers’ Uprising. We, as the People’s United Revolutionary Movement, once again demonstrate our determination to increase the struggle for the liberation of the oppressed and achieve victory.”