Victims of Turkish drone attack buried in Sulaymaniyah

Two of the four victims of the Turkish armed drone attack on a civilian vehicle near the city of Pîşder last Sunday have been buried in southern Kurdistan.

The funeral of Ebas Îbrahîm Mehmûd (Rêdûr) in Sulaymaniyah was attended by hundreds of people, including members of Tevgera Azadî and the women’s organization RJAK (Rêxistina Jinên Azad a Kurdistanê). The body was transferred from Qeladizê to the Bekir Eco Cemetery in Sulaymaniyah. At the funeral service, Mehmûd’s sister said that her brother was assassinated with the support of agents and traitors and fell for Kurdistan.


The co-chairman of Tevgera Azadî, Mihemed Ebdullah, stated in a speech that the Turkish state is not only attacking the guerrillas, but the Kurdish people. He stated that these attacks could be repelled if there were no “betrayal from within”. “There is resistance against the occupation with great willpower. This is what Rêdûr fell for,” Ebdullah said, appealing to the KDP to turn a new page and not become a stooge of the Turkish state. He pointed out that the occupation attacks have reached a worrying level and called for all sides to take a stand against the Turkish invasion.

During the funeral, “Şehîd namirin” (Martyrs are immortal) was chanted again and again. A group of youth announced they would join the guerrilla against the Turkish occupation.

Ebubekir Towfiq, who was also killed in the drone strike, had been buried in Qeladizê on Monday.

Üç gün önce Qeladize’de işgalci Türk Devleti’ne ait uçaklar sivil yurttaşların bulunduğu bir aracı bombaladı.

Bugün şehitlerden Ebas İbrahim’in cenazesi Süleymaniye’de merasimle defnedilirken naaşın başında Başurlu bir genç intikam için gerilaya katılma sözü verdi!

— Keser Buldan (@keserMexmur) June 15, 2021