Constitutional Court to conduct first review of HDP closure case

The Supreme Court of Appeals Prosecutor’s Office has recently submitted the second indictment for the HDP’s closure.

It is reported that the first review of this indictment will be conducted by the Constitutional Court on June 21.

If the indictment is accepted, it will be sent to the HDP for a preliminary defence. The HDP has to submit its defence within the time period determined by the Constitutional Court. If an additional time is requested, it is possible to extend this period.

After the preliminary defence is given, the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeals Bekir Şahin will present his opinion on the merits.

The opinion will first be submitted to the HDP, and prosecutor Şahin will make an oral statement and HDP officials will make an oral defence on the dates to be determined by the Constitutional Court.

Later on, the AYM rapporteur will prepare a report on the merits. The AYM members will meet on a determined day to discuss the closure case. The decision will be made by an AYM delegation consisting of 15 members. The closure decision will be made by a majority of two-thirds of the members attending the meeting, that is to say, by 10 votes out of 15 members.