Faiq Gulpi: A fratricide war will only benefit the enemies of Kurds

Speaking to ANF about the Turkish state’s invasion attacks on South Kurdistan and the attitude of the KDP, Dr. Faiq Gulpi said: “I hope the KDP will end its hostile attitude towards the North Kurdistan revolution and the PKK, and I wish it will stand by the Kurdish people. Kurdish intellectuals, politicians, artists and patriotic people are against the invasion of the Turkish state and a fratricide war.”

Gulpi added: “An inter-Kurdish war would mean nothing but the death of Kurdish children. The Kurdish enemies will benefit from such a war. All Kurdish parties should oppose a fratricide war. Especially KDP, PUK and PKK should be sensitive about this issue. What is now apparent is that the KDP cooperates with the Turkish state economically, politically and militarily. By helping the Turkish state, the KDP aims at preventing the revolution of North Kurdistan and at liquidating the PKK. This attitude of the KDP is absolutely wrong and harms the Kurdish national unity.”

Gulpi continued: “The KDP is an important force in South Kurdistan and Iraq, so it must protect the national interests of Kurdistan and the Kurds and therefore stop serving the policies of the Turkish state.”

According to Gulpi the “the KDP aims at getting all South Kurdistan and Iraqi forces to fight against the PKK. The PUK stance saying that they won’t be involved in a fratricide war is the correct one.

I hope that the KDP will end its hostile attitude and listed to Kurdish intellectuals, politicians, artists and patriotic people who oppose the invasion of the Turkish state and a fratricide war.”

Gulpi said that “the Turkish state is showing its hostility to the Kurds in Rojava, Bakur, Bashur, Rojhilat. We need to understand this well; The Turkish state is not only the enemy of the PKK.

Recently, the US recognised the Armenian Genocide and announced to the whole world that what the Turkish state did was genocide. The day the US made this statement, the Turkish state launched a new attack to occupy South Kurdistan.

Iraq, like many other states and foreign activists as well as the Kurdish people oppose the Turkish state’s policies of genocide against the Kurds. Just the KDP doesn’t oppose the Turkish state’s massacre of Kurds. The KDP should stop cooperating with Turkey.”