‘Baath regime and Turkey want to eliminate the democratic system in North-East Syria’

Sheikh Mihemed Tirki Suan from the Silma tribe said that the provocation in Manbij cannot be thought independently of the Baath regime, the Turkish state and ISIS, and that the aim of the provocation is to cause the democratic system in North-East Syria to collapse.

Speaking to ANF, Sheikh Mihemed Tirki Suan said that the Syrian Revolution has been stolen, with the influence of the attitude of the Baath regime. “All forces in Syria including Russia, Iran, Turkey and, of course, the Baath regime are acting according to their own interests. They have all created chaos. Syrian peoples have been massacred, kidnapped, displaced and their possessions plundered,” he said.

Suan stated that the Baath regime is actually under the influence of Russia and Iran. “Even the regime allies with the Turkish state against us. It makes agreements with the Turkish state against the peoples of North-East Syria. One of these agreements allows Turkey to cut off the Euphrates water. The aim is to eliminate the democratic nation project which does not serve the interests of the powers that deepen the Syrian crisis. They are fighting against this project.”


Suan stressed that their only desire is to live in unity. “Unfortunately, the Baath regime is making agreements with the Turkish state. We have learned great lessons from this revolution. As the Syrian people, we need to resist as one single body. We must stand by our own administration and forces. All the tribes, elders and sheiks in North-East Syria must resist these plans together. If we unite with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Autonomous Administration, we will become a force for a solution in Syria. If we are divided, we fall. Our door is open to anyone who considers herself/himself patriot. We say let’s come and solve this crisis together,” he said.


Sheikh Suan noted that the cells that seek to destabilize North-East Syria are the extensions of the Baath regime, the Turkish state and its mercenaries. “The forces that attempt to destabilize Syria are also doing this with the help of the Syrians. These secret cells are all Syrian and are trying to destroy their country with their own hands.”


If the regime claims its sovereignty, then why did it sell out Afrin, Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê? There are other cities of course. The Damascus administration sold out seven cities to the Turkish state. Turkey changes the demographic structure, closes the borders, imposes the Turkish identity in occupied regions. If the regime cares about the interests of the Syrian people, it should go and liberate the occupied areas. Will it liberate the areas that we have already liberated with our own blood and labour, where we have established our own organization and where we live in peace? We are Syrian citizens. All the people living in North-East Syria hold the Syrian identity. The Syrian regime should liberate lands from those who hold the Turkish identity.”


Sheikh Suan remarked that what happened in Manbij was the dirty games of these secret cells. “They tried to create strife between the people and the Autonomous Administration. As the Syrian people, we rely on the Autonomous Administration and the SDF. We do not accept pro-Turkey forces. My request from all tribes; let’s heal this wound together and end this pain.”