Reactions to indictment for HDP closure continue

 The Chief Public Prosecutor at the Turkish Court of Cassation has submitted a new indictment for a ban against the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) to the Constitutional Court in Ankara. The indictment equates the HDP with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and accuses it of undermining the “indivisible integrity of the Turkish state”.

Since this is Erdogan’s political revenge case, in the new indictment for a ban, Chief Public Prosecutor Bekir Şahin is now calling for the political ban to 500 members of the HDP. In addition, all of the party’s accounts are to be frozen. It is expected that the Constitutional Court will decide in the next two weeks whether to initiate ban proceedings against the HDP.

In his 850-page-long indictment, the prosecutor argued that the party closure was an implementation adopted “in all advanced democracies.”

Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) spokesperson Ömer Çelik commented on the new indictment, saying: “It is a process that restarted with the completion of the deficiencies.”

European MEPs continue to send their solidarity messages and to protest the new indictment.

For the Basque MEP for EH Bildu, Pernando Barrena “the resubmission to the Constitutional Court of the indictment for the closure of the HDP is unacceptable and 
more after a new two-and-a-half-year prison sentence to Selahattin Demirtas. We express all our support to the HDP.”

PSOE (Socialist Party of Spain) MEP Nacho Sánchez Amor, underlined that “the new indictment by Public Chief Prosecutor to ban the HDP after Turkey’s Constitutional Court returned his 1st attempt, it is a serious political mistake and an irreversible blow to pluralism and democratic principles. Not the way to get Turkey closer to Europe.”

Pina Picierno, from the Italian PD (Democratic Party), said: “I stand in solidarity with the HDP against the latest attempt to ban the party in Turkey. This new attack against the Turkish democracy is unacceptable.”